Dante Shoghanian

Welcome to my website where I share my journey and insights as an M.S. Business Analytics student delving into the world of data analytics.

Analysis of Malls in California

Analyzed sales performance across California malls to uncover key factors driving higher revenue, with a focus on customer demographics and mall characteristics. This report offers actionable insights for mall operators and store managers to optimize marketing strategies and operational decisions, empowering them to boost sales and enhance overall profitability.

UEFA Champions League Analysis

The goal of this project is to conduct an in-depth analysis of the UEFA Champions League (UCL) using historical data from 1955 to 2023. By leveraging match performance and final results data, aiming to uncover patterns, trends, and insights that have shaped the tournament over the decades.

Nvidia Financial Analysis

This project delivers a comprehensive financial and strategic analysis of Nvidia, highlighting its role as a global technology leader in GPUs, AI, and high-performance computing. The analysis explores Nvidia's history, strategic goals, recent performance, supply chain, market trends, competitive position, and financial forecasts

Orange County Transportation Authority Travel Demand Forecast

The project analyzed transportation and land use data from the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) to provide insights for improving infrastructure, land use planning, and sustainability. By examining GIS layers, population growth, traffic flow, and bikeway usage, it supported data-driven decisions for future transportation and urban development.

Cyclistic Case Study

The project focuses on exploring the riding behaviors of casual riders versus annual members to develop strategies for converting casual riders into long-term subscribers.

Easter Egg